MPA leads the community in discussing issues and finding common ground. It is our role to facilitate dialogue and achieve balanced residential and commercial land use policies that stimulate economic development and reasonably preserves our natural environment.
We recognize a strong local economy requires a balance between businesses, neighborhoods and the environment. We believe that we must create a balanced built and natural environment that promotes sustainable living. Our support of commerce and growth is vital to creating a prosperous community; creating a political environment that encourages business retention, expansion and recruitment in Pima County. Our efforts have led to millions of dollars in savings for the land use industry.
You can help shape the organization’s efforts in any of the following ways:
- Proactively provide MPA with a list of recommendations on how land use, development and design procedures, policies or ordinances could improve in our region. MPA will facilitate a process to work on your recommendations.
- Participate in a number of ad-hoc committees and provide direct input on codes, ordinances or procedures being considered by one of our local governments.
- Receive Weekly Public Policy and Development Activity Report pertaining to land planning and economic development in every jurisdiction of Pima County.
- Represent MPA and the membership on various stakeholder groups throughout the region.

MPA provides a valuable service to our community by advocating for intelligent discourse on issues that will affect the look and feel of our region for years to come. Pima County looks forward to a continuing dialogue with business and industrial leaders regarding the environmental and economic future of our region.
Chuck Huckelberry - Pima County Administrator, Pima County